Ring clamp

Once one of our most popular clamps, Seagull's patented Ring Clamp is still capable of uniquely meeting specialized industry needs. Molded Viton Rubber rings are fit into retaining grooves to provide excellent disk centering and a soft touch yet firm, non slip holding force. A small bulge is strategically formed above the disk to prevent disk loss in an emergency. As the ring is self sealing in it's grooves this clamp design is suitable for use in adverse operating environments such as wet process or free abrasive.particles.
Key Features:
1) Non-distorting 360 degree clamping2) Smooth cap for easy loading
3) Excellent disk ID access
4) Solid Carbide Disk Seat
5) Field Adjustable Grip
6) Pneumatic or Push Bar Actuation
7) Suitable for "Total Particulate Control" technology
8) Available in many popular form factors